FAQ’s of Children-XX-M.S. Srinivasan

(The principal of a large school in Bombay gave us a list of frequently asked questions by 13 year old children in her school and asked us whether we can prepare answers in the light of a spiritual perspective. When we looked at the question we found that they are not mere “kid-stuff.” Most of them are either fundamental and existential questions related to world and God or psychological problems faced by most of us. This series is an attempt to answer these questions from the children’s perspective in the light of a spiritual vision of life. We don’t know how far we have succeeded in communicating to the children. Nevertheless, we hope these answer may be of some help to teachers and parents who have to deal with children. There are around thirty questions with answers given in the light of a spiritual vision of life. We will post these questions at regular intervals.)

Why do We Grow Old

Probably because there is a diminishing of vital energy which animates the body and decay in the organs of the body itself.  However the process of ageing which leads to old age and death is not yet fully understood by modern science.  According to scientific opinion all the cells in our body are renewed every seven years.  But still we grow old and die. There is still much to be known regarding the process of ageing.  However the modern scientific mind is extremely smart and one day it may unravel the mystery of ageing.  This may lead to remedies which lead to greater longevity.  But what is the use of living long in our body if we are not growing inwardly? The real old age comes only when we stop growing inwardly in our mind, heart and soul.  The essence of youth is this progress which means constant growth in our mind, heart and soul towards becoming a more and more peaceful, wise, loving, compassionate, balanced, harmonious, courageous and strong human being.

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An Integral Approach to management and human development based on the spiritual vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with an emphasis on its application to various domains of knowledge and life.

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