I. Harnessing the Human Potential
- Right attitudes to ideas, May 2012FDI
- Interpersonal harmony: a psychological Perspective , Feb 2012FDI
- Development of faculties for professional excellence: a psychological perspective.
- The Duryodhana syndrome, Oct 2011FDI
- The aesthetic transformation of life, Oct 2011FDI
- The art of mindfulness for enabling performance, Sep 2010FDI
- The power of concentration for enhancing productivity, Sep 2010FDI
- Faculties of Consciousness, Jan 2011FDI
- The role of creative vision in human development, Mar 2009FDI
- Management of Human Energies, Mar 2012FDI
- The Energy Alchemy, Mar 2012FDI
- The Inner Marriage, Sep 2009FDI
- Self-government: guidelines for self-assessment
- Rest, Relaxation and Leisure, Souvenir, 2012, Institute of Chartered Secretaries of India
- Alone in love, Sep 2012, sriaurobindosaction
- Faith, Intuition and Will, FDI, Oct 2010
- Fact, Opinion and Truth
- Success, Happiness and Fulfillment, FDI, June 2011
- How To Choose the Right Career, FDI, June 2011
II. Society u0026amp; Culture
- Collective progress: the integral view.
- Culture as the source of development, Aug 2009, Shraddha
- Towards a new science of society: an integral approach.
- Reinventing Capitalism in the Light of Indian Synthesis, Sep 2012, Vilakshan, Journal of the Xavier Institute of Management
- Inner Awakening of the Collectivity
- Youth and Idealism
- The Meaning of Practicality
III. Education u0026amp; Learning
- Educational thoughts of J. Krishnamoorthy: in the light of integral education
- Life and learning, Mar 2010FDI
- Identification and development of faculties
- Extending the frontiers of the scientific method: an educational perspective
- Fundamentals of integral education
- The new paradigm in education
- Values in Engineering and Technology Education
- FAQ’s of Children-I
- FAQ’s of Children-II
- FAQ’s of Children-III
- FAQ’s of Children-IV
- FAQ’s of Children-V
- FAQ’s of Children-VI
- FAQ’s of Children-VII
- FAQ’s of Children-VIII
- FAQ’s of Children-IX
- FAQ’s of Children-X
- FAQ’s of Children-XI
- FAQ’s of Children-XII
- FAQ’s of Children-XIII
- FAQ’s of Children-XIV
- FAQ’s of Children-XV
- FAQ’s of Children-XVI
- FAQ’s of Children-XVII
- FAQ’s of Children-XVIII
- FAQ’s of Children-XIX
- FAQ’s of Children-XX
- FAQ’s of Children-XXI
- FAQ’s of Children-XXII
- FAQ’s of Children-XXIII
- FAQ’s of Children-XXIV
IV. Polity, Governance u0026amp; Development
- Power, democracy and leadership
- Towards enlightened political leadership
- The Dharmic Ideal of Governance
- The Indian Synthesis in Polity
- Wielding the Organ of Power: Dimensions of Political Leadership
V. Reviews and Case Studies
- The role of performance reviews: a holistic perspective
- Building workplace democracy
- Productivity without anxiety
- The secret of good governance, Oct 2010, Next Future
- The human face of Toyota production system
- The role of training in a learning organization, Dec 2011FDI
- The Corporate Madonna, May 2011FDI
- Private schools for the poor
- Tale of the light-beam rider Mar 2010FDI
- A Synopsis of Sri Aurobindo Major works
- Leading from the Soul
- The Architect of Amul
- Integral Leadership
- Leading with Light and Love, May 2012FDI
- The Creative Compassion, Jun-July 2012FDI
- Political Risk and Commercial Advantage
- Coping with Disruptive Change
- The Spiritual Transformation of Matter
VI. Interesting Stories
- Value-education — a story
- The goblin of religion
- The matured person
- Sufi, mulla and the ego
- Sufi and the child
- Evolution of human nature
- Buddha and the sculptor
- Tales on Yoga: Somu and the siddha
- The mind and its control
- The moral outlook and the spiritual vision
- The seeing mind
- The sublime beggar
- The Fire and the Flower, Awakening and Namah
- Doctor and the Healer
- What is a Miracle
- The Spirit of Indian Art
- Tales on Yoga: Devadutta and the Cows
- Ignorance, Evolution and the Avatar
- The Dark Secret
- Drop It
VII. Religion, Spirituality And Philosophy
- Religion of the formless and worship of forms, Dec 2004Next Future
- Future of religion-I, Aug 2004 Next Future
- Towards a New Paradigm of Religion for a globalizing world.
- Rational Reformation of Religion: Possibilities and Limitations, Oct 2004 Next Future
- Religion as the Reformer of Society.
- Religion, Science and Spirituality
- The Role of Religion
- Self-development and Spirituality
- The Foundations of Eastern Spiritual Synthesis-I, Feb 2012, Rbhu
- The Foundations of Eastern Spiritual Synthesis-II, Aug 2012, Rbhu
- Social Service, Philanthropy and Spirituality
- The Meaning of Yoga
- Half-Truth and the Whole Truth
- Relevance of Spirituality to Youth
- Concept and the Experience
- Secular Objections to Spirituality
- Defiling the Sublime
VIII. The Future World
- The future of human potential-I, Jan 2006 Next Future
- The future of human potential-II, Feb 2006 Next Future
- The future of the human potential-III, Mar 2006 Next Future
- The future of the human potential-IV, Apr 2006 Next Future
- The future of the human potential-V, May 2006 Next Future
- The future of the human potential-VI, June 2006 Next Future
- The future of the human potential-VII, July 2006 Next Future
- The future of the human potential-VIII, Aug 2006 Next Future
- Future of Matter-I, Jan 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-II, Feb 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-III, Mar 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-IV, Apr 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-V, May 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-VI, June 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-VII, July 2007Next Future
- Future of Matter-VIII, Aug 2007Next Future
IX. Islamic Civilisation and Culture
- Islamic philosophy and science
- Towards a better understanding of Islam
- Aesthetic Mind of Islamic Civilisation
- The Islamic Religion: An Evolutionary Perspective-I
- The Islamic Religion: An Evolutionary Perspective-II
- The Islamic Religion: An Evolutionary Perspective-III
- Sufism: The Mystic Soul of Islam-I
- Sufism: The Mystic Soul of Islam-II
X. Indian Civilisation u0026amp; Culture
- The master-ideals of Indian culture: a reappraisal-I, Mother India
- The master-ideals of Indian culture: a reappraisal-II, Mother India
- The master-ideals of Indian culture: a reappraisal-III, Mother India
- The master-ideals of Indian culture: a reappraisal-IV, Mother India
- The master-ideals of Indian culture: a reappraisal-V, Mother India
- The vision and work of Indian culture : past and the future
- The Vision that made the nation, Jun-Oct 2010Next future
- The Spirit of Indian Philosophy: A Dialogue
- The Vedic Society and Culture: A Psycho-Spiritual Perspective, Rbhu 21st Feb 2011
- The Vedic Philosophy
- The Mystic, Magi and the Priest: Evolution of Vedic Religion
XI. The Meaning of History
- History as human development: A psychological approach-I, Mother India
- History as human development: A psychological approach-II, Mother India
- Study of world-history – towards a new approach, Mother India
- Karma in History: An Evolutionary Perspective-I, Sraddha, February 2010
- Karma in History: An Evolutionary Perspective-II, Sraddha, February 2010
- Karma in History: An Evolutionary Perspective-III, Sraddha, February 2010
- Karma in History: An Evolutionary Perspective-IV, Sraddha, February 2010
XII. Ecology, Technology u0026amp; Sustainability
- Learning from the technology of nature, Dec 2010FDI
- The higher purpose of technology, April-June 2008, Quarterly Bulletin of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers(India)
- Towards integral sustainability.
- Our planet and our environment, Jan 2012FDI
- Technology, ecology and humanism, Dec 2010FDI
- The challenge of sustainability, Jan 2011FDI
- The IT revolution, knowledge-society and the quality of life: A deeper perspective, Sri Aurobindo’s Action.
- Clean Energies and Green Technologies
- The Impact of Biotechnology
- Ecology, Economics and Development : A Holistic Perspective
- Steering our Sustainable Evolution
- Building a Sustainable Corporate Culture
XIII. Integral Management
- The total performance management: A holistic perspective, July 2011, Siddhanth, Regional College of Management
- The management challenges of the 21st century: An evolutionary perspective, Dec 2011, The Management Accountant, Journal of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India
- The six paradigms of business, Feb 2011, Chartered Secretary, Journal of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- Igniting innovation: a holistic approach, Mar-Sep2012, Vilakshan, Journal of the Xavier Institute of Management
- An integral approach to talent management, Sep2011, Vilakshan, Journal of the Xavier Institute of Management
- Rethinking corporate strategy a consciousness perspective, Mar 2009, Vilakshan, Journal of the Xavier Institute of Management
- The integral management-I: an overview.
- Integral management-II managing from within: the paradigm of consciousness.
- Integral management-III nurturing people: an evolutionary perspective.
- Integral management-IV steering the organisation.
- Motivation and Human Growth: A developmental Perspective.
- Values for Excellence in Professional Work, Oct 2011, Journal of Human Values
- The Motivation Spectrum, Jun 2008, Chartered Secretary, Journal of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- Values, Ethics and Wellness: An Integrated Corporate Perspective, Sep 2010, VILAKSHAN
- Building Inner Peace and Equanimity for Stress Management, Mar 2010FDI
- The Concept of Unique Intrinsic Nature and its Implications for Human and Organisational Development, Shaping Values in Business-A Dharmic Vision.
- Dimensions of Integrity, Sep 2008SCMS Journal of Management
- Guiding Values for Corporate Governance: A Consciousness Perspective, Dec 2010Chartered Secretary, Journal of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- The Four Steps to Corporate Sustainability, Sep 2011 Chartered Secretary, Journal of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- Corporate Governance: A Long Term Consciousness Perspective, Nov 2008Chartered Accountant
- The Foundations of Workplace Wellness: An Integral Approach, Apr 2011Souvenir of Noida Management Association
- The Design Path to Innovation.
- Shaping Values in Business-A Dharmic Vision, Oct-Nov 2009, Gitam Journal of Management
- Corporation, Community u0026amp; Development: An Integral Approach, Jan 2012, Chartered Secretary, Journal of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- Management and Yoga-Can they Meet, Aug 2011FDI
- Managing Organisational Creativity, Mar 2012, The Management Accountant, Journal of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India.
- The Path of Holistic Decision Making, July 2012, The Management Accountant, Journal of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India.
- Harvesting the Vision and the Idea, Apr 2009FDI
- Rise of the Better Half in Business, Sep 2009FDI
- Leadership and strategy for the future world, Sep 2012The Management Accountant
- Woman leader and the visionary gaze
- Organisational Development : A Yogic Vision
- Business at the Service of the Poor: Perspectives u0026amp; Possibilities
- Managing Organisational Change: Some Critical Questions
- The Act of Selling-A Deeper Perspective
- Building a Woman-Friendly Workplace
- Chemistry of Teamwork : A Psycho-Social Perspective
- Contours of the Future World: A Corporate Perspective, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Apr-June 2011
- The DNA of Making Things: Higher Dimensions of Manufacturing
- The Meaning and Challenge of Change-Integral View
- Managing Change-Emerging Perspectives
- Building the High-Performance Board
- Beyond Stress Management: Towards Integral Wellness
- Harnessing the Power of Vision and Values: A Deeper Perspective
- How to Evaluate the CEO
XIV. Message of the Masters
- Some Aids for Effective Meditation, The Mother
- How to Convert Mental Seeking into Inner Realisation, Sri Aurobindo
- Meditation on Divine Unity, Swami Vivekananda
- Meditation on The Self, Ramana Maharishi
- The Power of Mental Formations, Apr 2009FDI
- Knowing our Consciousness, The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Feb 2011FDI
- The Living Meditation, J. Krishnamurti
- Beyond the Bottomline
- Behind the God-particle: A Consciousness Perspective
- Integrating Efficiency with Excellence
- Rethinking Capitalism
- The Mighty Soft Revolution
- Business, Poverty and Development
- December 21, 2012: The Scare and the Hope
- Beyond IQ: Awakening the Multiple Intelligences